Warning!!! Are you ready for the
Ghost Cans... All the GHOST CANS in MY Collection
1984 - 150ml - SideA and SideB and Certificate °
This is the first Ghost coca cola can produced in 1984 for promote
the first film Ghostbusters.
1989 - 150ml ° These are the second
Ghost coca cola cans produced for promote the film Ghostbusters II.
Made in 1989 by Burger King Coca Cola. There is the same promotion
in England, Netherlands and Germany.

1989 - 150ml - SideA and SideB and Certificate °
Rare small 150ml Ghost can from England. The can features the Wimpy
restaurant chain. This can is more rare than the Burger King can.
1989 - 150ml - 3 Sides °
Every big collector would like to
have this can.
1989 - 150ml
The rarest ghost can produced! Every big collector would like to
have this can in own collection.... but i think only few of this
ghost can is on the hand of a collector!

1989 - 330ml - SideA and SideB °
Ghostbusters II (only for sale at 7-Eleven stores).
It is actually not a real coke can.
It was used to hold some kind of ice-coke that for sale at 7-11.

1989 - 330ml
° Ghostbusters II
This is a real coke can that produced for the market. It is an
aluminum can with all the coke details such as factory addresses.

1985 - 330ml - SideA and Top ° Ghost can from England
1984 Ghostbusters Movie. "Ring the Ghostline".

1984 - 330ml ° Rare Ghost can from
1984 Ghostbusters Movie. (There are 2 versions of this can: 2
different top)
1984 - 330ml ° Rare Ghost can from
Puerto Rico 1984/1985 Ghostbusters Movie.
1989 - 375ml - SideA and SideB °
This Coke can is made of steel with the crimped sides and is a
limited edition one put out to conincide with the movie Ghostbusters
2. It is empty but has not been opened.
This promotional can has a picture of a green ghost with a
lighthearted warning to not open the can as it has a ghost inside
and if it‘s opened the ghost will escape! It also states in a scroll
“Holder of this can is the owner of a genuine vanishing ghost,
captured and encapsulated by GHOSTBUSTERS“.
There is a copyright “C“ to the base saying “1989 Columbia Pictures
Industries Inc.” The genuine red and white“Coca-Cola“ sign is also
on the can.
1989 - 375ml - SideA and SideB °
Ghostbusters II can, NOT official Coca-Cola production. Very
Similar to the Australian can, this can has no opening in the top
and has never had liquid inside. The story says it's the first
"fake" can of the history. The Can was made in 1989/1990 from a
guy in Argentina. He was a store in Buenos Aires, sale beers and
soda cans and made these Ghostbusters coke cans (16 made) and others cans
too. (A can's lover or a cheater? However every good collector wants this can